7 Reasons Why Employee Satisfaction is Good for Small or Medium-sized Businesses

For decades, delivering a great experience at every customer touchpoint was viewed as the path to win customers’ hearts – and a hefty market share. Customer experience (CX) is critical for success, but we’re also seeing that businesses’ bottom lines are equally bolstered when another stakeholder group has a stellar experience: employees. The employee experience, or EX, is the sum of all employer-employee touchpoints, from recruitment to retirement – and it’s not just the responsibility of your HR function.

In fact, companies with exceptional employee experience see:

• 17% higher productivity

• 24% lower turnover

• 21% more profitability

For small and medium-sized business leaders who want to grow their businesses and thrive, here are seven insights on why employee experience can make all the difference. Download the whitepaper to learn more!