
How to Choose the Best Climate Solution Portfolio for Your Business in the CHOOOSE Climate App for SAP Concur

Guest Blog by CHOOOSE |

As the world becomes increasingly aware of the need to take action on climate change, many businesses are looking for ways to reduce their environmental impact. One important aspect of this is addressing the emissions caused by business travel. The CHOOOSE Climate App for SAP Concur is a powerful tool that allows businesses to seamlessly measure, reduce and manage the emissions from their travel, making it easy to choose the best climate solutions for their specific needs.

Climate projects or climate solutions refer to activities and initiatives aimed at reducing or removing greenhouse gas emissions. This can include things like renewable energy projects, reforestation, and sustainable agriculture. Carbon offsetting is a way for businesses and individuals to invest in these types of projects to offset the emissions they are responsible for.

The CHOOOSE Climate App for SAP Concur offers several types of carbon projects to choose from, including:

Nature-based solutions: These projects involve activities like reforestation, wetland restoration, and conservation of natural habitats. These types of projects not only remove carbon from the atmosphere but also provide a wide range of other benefits, such as biodiversity conservation and improved water quality. Learn more about nature-based solutions.

Community-based projects: These projects focus on reducing and avoiding carbon locally while supporting communities at the same time. Projects include providing high-efficiency cookstoves to reduce pressure on forests or advancing energy-free local water treatment. Learn more about community-based projects.

Renewable energy projects: This category includes projects that generate electricity from renewable sources like solar, wind, and hydropower. Investing in these projects can help to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and promote the transition to a low-carbon economy. Learn more about renewable energy projects.

Sustainable aviation fuel: This category includes projects that produce sustainable aviation fuel, which can be used to power aeroplanes in place of traditional jet fuel. Learn more about sustainable aviation fuel (SAF)



When using SAP endorsed Climate App, CHOOOSE takes over the cumbersome process of finding the highest-quality projects. We source and manage a high-quality, third-party portfolio of certified carbon offset and reduction projects that you can plug into your carbon compensation program. 

When choosing a climate project, it's important to consider factors like the project's location, its size and scope, and the types of emissions it will offset and address. Additionally, it's important to look for projects that align with your company's mission and vision. For example, do the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that the project supports align with your company’s values? Read more in-depth about what to consider when choosing a carbon offset project here.  

The CHOOOSE Climate App for SAP Concur offers businesses a simple and effective way to measure, manage, and offset their travel emissions. Get started now by downloading the Climate App from the App Center, or book a demo with us to learn more about how we can help your business choose the best climate solutions.

About us: CHOOOSE™ is a venture-backed leader in technology-based climate action, building digital tools so that everyone, anywhere, can easily integrate climate action into everyday life and business. Through flexible integrations, customer-friendly interfaces, automated carbon measurement, and a connected marketplace of climate solutions, CHOOOSE delivers a complete platform that enables its partners to build and manage high-impact climate programs. Learn more at


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