Employee Experience

What is Employee Engagement?

Lara Edwards |

To create a healthy working environment, employees should feel a connection. They should be connected to their work, the people they work with, and the organisation they work for. This connection is known as employee engagement.  

Many leaders may wonder what employee engagement really is. Or, more specifically, how to drive better engagement among their employees. Here’s a few tips for how to foster strong employee engagement with your teams.  

First, it’s helpful to think about your talent on a scale. On one side, there are highly engaged employees who think positively about the company they work for and have a strong sense of connection. 

On the other side are your disengaged employees. They might not think highly of the company they work for and will generally have a lower quality output. When employees think negatively about their workplace, that often goes hand-in-hand with a loss of trust. 

If you want your organisation to be successful, it’s key to understand the impact of employee engagement, and how to cultivate a positive experience. 

What are Three Key Elements of Employee Engagement? 

For employees to feel engaged and connected to your company vision, focus on these three areas: 


When employees feel fulfilled and content in their job role, satisfaction naturally goes up. And with that, grows their motivation and the gratification they get from their job. Employees want their employer to recognise the contributions they make to the business.  

On the flip side, when employees don’t feel their skills are being used to best effect, they risk becoming disgruntled.  


Loyalty and dedication are indicators of employee commitment. When employees are committed, they feel a sense of accomplishment and ownership. These employees are also willing to go the extra mile and are less likely to leave for another job. To encourage commitment, organisations must foster an environment of support and growth while rewarding achievements.  


Engaged employees feel like they are actively involved in their work. They also have control over their tasks and the direction of the business. Companies can enhance employees’ sense of involvement by empowering them to have a role in decisions.  

Strong communication in the workplace also encourages a feeling of involvement. When employees feel like they know what’s happening within the company, they feel more involved and part of a team. They also feel as though they have contributed to the overall success of the organisation and its operations.  

Benefits of Employee Engagement 

The higher a company’s employee engagement, the greater the benefit for employees and the business as a whole. And the more invested an employee is, the more productive they are and they will look for ways to more efficiently complete their tasks.  

High Performing  

Engaged employees are higher performers. They work at their peak performance while continuing to improve their skills. Employees at this level will set challenging goals for themselves and work hard to achieve them. They perform higher individually and encourage the team to do the same. They remain motivated, even during challenging times, which increases productivity for the organisation.  


Employees who are engaged and satisfied in their work are more productive, committed, and motivated to contribute their best efforts to the organisation. They are more likely to share knowledge and best practices with their colleagues while also encouraging them to improve their own skills. Knowledge transfer helps develop a skilled and capable workforce, reducing the need for external hiring and associated recruitment costs.  


Creativity and innovation are positive by products of engagement. Employees who embrace a creative mindset generate new ideas and consider new solutions to problems. These skills create a dynamic work environment where employees are encouraged to bring their unique perspectives to the table. When businesses aren’t innovative, they become stagnant and may find success difficult to sustain.  

Increased Retention  

When employees engage at work, they want to be there. They spend more time at work and are highly productive. Additionally, there is less turnover when employees are more engaged. This means it’s easier for organisations to keep employees — and retaining employees is far more cost-effective than replacing them. 

How to Measure Employee Engagement? 

When you want to know the state of your employee experience, it’s essential to measure your employees’ level of engagement using several effective measures.  

Job Satisfaction Surveys  

Job satisfaction surveys aim to assess how employees feel about their job roles and environment. Surveys explore areas like career growth, opportunities, and work/life balance.  

Pulse Surveys  

Pulse surveys are real-time and short surveys that detail engagement and morale. These surveys allow companies to address issues quickly while also tracking them.  

Net Promoter Score (NPS)  

The NPS is a number (typically ranging from 0 to 10) that measures the willingness and likelihood of employees to recommend the company as a workplace. This gives employers valuable knowledge about how willing employees are to advocate for the company, and to potentially recruit more talent into the organisation. 

Best Practices for Employee Engagement

There are many best practices employers can implement to encourage employee engagement.  

Positive Culture  

A supportive and inclusive work culture values diversity, promotes open communication, and encourages collaboration. Businesses should celebrate success and recognise employees’ contributions. Consistent expectations are also critical to maintaining a positive culture. Employees appreciate knowing the rules and seeing them enforced across all levels. When management is unpredictable, it can have a negative impact on an employee's emotions and feelings of safety in the workplace.  

Opportunity for Growth  

Employees value professional development and growth opportunities. This includes training programmes, mentorship, and leadership development. Employees using technology for training and collaboration can learn new skills while giving themselves more time. This allows for real-time communication and feedback, which reduces communication barriers and fosters a stronger connection. It provides a way for employees to work faster while learning new skills.  

Transparent Communication  

Communication is an essential part of keeping employees engaged. Communication includes organisational changes, goals, and strategies. Two-way communication is critical in order for employees to feel their voices are heard and valued. When that communication door is open, you can receive employee engagement ideas directly from those who matter most — your employees.  


Employee engagement is essential to the success of your company. Following these steps encourages stronger engagement, which in turn makes your employees feel more valued and committed to your company.  

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