Culture, care and financial etiquette across the globe

Chris Baker |

The world often feels like a very small place. In fact, with social media, globalisation and almost borderless trade and transactions, it’s easy to forget the different quirks and cultures, from country to country, that make the world such a fascinating place.

But when it comes to business, these nuances really do make all the difference. For instance, did you know that in Japan it is considered a major violation of etiquette to pour yourself a drink, or insulting to toast your hosts with a beer in Georgia. And don’t be surprised if conversation over a business lunch is cut short in India, because there the corporate chain is gospel, and junior employees do not engage with their seniors.

There’s 196 countries and every single one is unique. Chris Baker, Managing Director, EMEA North & South Africa at Concur knows a thing or two about conducting business abroad, from cultural quirks and hospitality through to an organisation’s duty of care and financial awareness. He’s shared his tips in this article on Business Travel iQ so you won’t find yourself in a silent presentation in Sweden wondering where it all went wrong.