Fraud and Compliance

Fraud and noncompliance hurt businesses of every size. With the right technology, your organization can increase compliance, mitigate risk, and spot issues before they become costly problems.

Articles about Fraud and Compliance

How wonderful would it be if you only had to tell someone something once Sadly real life isnt like that and this is especially true when it comes to the company policies in your...
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This is a question we get asked time and time again how can I reclaim VAT And one of the trickiest areas our customers are often looking for help and advice is VAT on mileage claims...
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The GDPR General Data Protection Regulation came into force just over a year ago At the time there was a huge furore but for many small businesses once the boxes had been ticked and...
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Claiming back money spent on behalf of work is a fundamental part of the businessemployee relationship but the process is ripe for exploitation and muddled thinking One anonymous...
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